I just received a mail which gave the schedule of tomorrow’s seminar in college. To my horror the last line said “ITS COMPULSORY FOR ALL TO ATTEND”. This line itself indicates the importance of seminars in a B School. Their compulsory nature speaks volume about the enthusiasm shown by us.
Now I will do what I have done in the previous seminars. Catch on sleep while the speakers deliver long speeches, verbose and full of management jargon. In fact sleeping is an infectious disease in these seminars. One after another students keep falling asleep and the vigilant ones keep waking them up. Sometimes it has happened that the entire row is asleep and the “wake up your neighbor cycle” goes in chain. To this extent also the college bears with us. The real trouble comes up when someone starts snoring. Imagine a speaker, VP of a company speaking in a silent hall, being interrupted by snoring noise. He would definitely think that had the student been an employee of his organization it would not have taken him even a second to deliver a pink slip, and that too in times of recession. But being guest of college they have to bear with it. What we need to keep in mind is how it would feel speaking in front of audience which is snoring and napping. But it’s not only students who are responsible. A good speaker is a one who can create an aura and mesmerize the audience with his words. For whom people leave their cigarettes and return to the hall to listen. But good talent is hard to find and so are good speakers. Till the time this happens seminar halls will continue sleeping.
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